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Fitness Center

  • 1995 - Opening of Health Club
  • 2008 - Evaluation Committee formed to determine needs, size and location of new Fitness Center
  • 2012 - Original building demolished
  • 2013 - New Fitness Center opens.

Today's state-of-the-art Fitness Center has a history as long as Sawgrass, and its start had little to do with fitness. When the club opened,the site of the present building was the Youth Activities Building, a place for the children to play and watch movies. Back in the early 1970's, hardly any club had anything resembling a fitness program, much less a building with expensive equipment.

"It was just a place for kids to hang out," said developer Jimmy Stockton."It had a pool, too."Fitness became a major issue in the late 1980's and country clubs responded by adding facilities. Sawgrass joined the movement in 1995, expanding the youth building and adding equipment. A swimming pool was added.

Today's structure dates back to 2010. The old building was demolished in 2012 and the new building, with its high-tech equipment, was built and opened in 2013. The old swimming pool was ripped out and a new one was built.